

The 2024 James R. Vertin Award

April 23 2024 | Award
The James R. Vertin Award is presented periodically to recognize individuals who have produced a body of research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals. This award was established in 1996 to honor James R. Vertin, CFA, for his outstanding leadership in promoting excellence and relevancy in research and education.

Emergence of Financial Engineering from Financial Science: An MIT Story (MIT Killian Award Lecture)

June 1 2022 | Speeches and Seminars
Acclaimed finance expert Robert C. Merton PhD ’70 has been named the recipient of MIT’s 2021–2022 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members. The Killian Award citation hails Merton, the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management, as “one of the founding architects of modern finance theory,” whose work has “become an integral part of the global financial system.” ||| MIT News story here:

James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award Lecture “Emergence of Financial Engineering from Financial Science — An MIT Story”

March 28 2022 | Speeches and Seminars
Acclaimed finance expert Robert C. Merton PhD ’70 has been named the recipient of MIT’s 2021–2022 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can confer upon one of its members. The Killian Award citation hails Merton, the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management, as “one of the founding architects of modern finance theory,” whose work has “become an integral part of the global financial system.” More at MIT News:

Webinar | Robert Merton & Agustín Carstens On Finance As Information | ASB

January 27 2021 | Speeches and Seminars
Join ASB for a conversation with Agustin Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements – BIS, and Robert Merton, Professor at MIT and #NobelLaureate​ in #EconomicScience​. "The fast-changing world of #digitaldata​ holds the promise of financial markets that are profoundly better informed. This information revolution is especially exciting when it supports new #financialinstruments​ and wider access to financial markets. Our two eminent panelists will depict how they see the financial markets changing and the role central banks may play in the process."

Master of Central Banking | Announcement Press Conference | Asia School of Business in collaboration with MIT Sloan

February 13 2020 | ASB, Press Conferences
The Master of Central Banking is designed to nurture central bankers for a future of fast-changing financial markets and an increasingly digitized world. The program will build on the formidable intellectual resources of MIT, itself a major source of the innovations that are reshaping the environment for central banking.

Master of Central Banking | Program Launch | Asia School of Business in collaboration with MIT Sloan

February 13 2020 | ASB, Promotional
The Master of Central Banking is designed to nurture central bankers for a future of fast-changing financial markets and an increasingly digitized world. The program will build on the formidable intellectual resources of MIT, itself a major source of the innovations that are reshaping the environment for central banking. Students will benefit not only from a curriculum that focuses obsessively on central banking, but also from the intense hands-on experience of working in teams to address real-world challenges. They will leave the program with an international network of friends who will speak the common language of modern central banking.

Pandemic Financial Policies: Actions and Consequences

May 14 2020 | Speeches and Seminars
MIT Golub Center for Finance & Policy Webinar | A discussion of COVID-19 financial and economic policies and their most important short- and long-term implications for: FINANCIAL MARKETS • SMALL BUSINESSES • RETIREMENT FINANCE • PERSONAL FINANCES • HOUSING FINANCE • THE FEDERAL RESERVE